Gathering of the juggalos 2022 recap

Well Im finally back from the gathering and let tell you it was incredible.

The Good

-Juggalos, Juggalos are realest people you will ever meet. I got some so free stuff from my two days at the gathering hell, someone even offered to buy me food(I turned it down though).

-Plenty of stuff to do. From the musical acts, carnival rides, contest or hell just walking around and talking to people. You will be entertained at the gathering I promise.

-Seeing ICP live is always a incredible. IMO they are the best live act in hip-hop. Their live shows are always engaging 

The bad

-The heat can be pretty brutal. Even if you like hot weather it can be pretty unbearable after all. It does cool down around night time so there is that.

-The porter pottys were pretty much unusable after like 2 days. Seriously those things were disgusting feel sorry for any female who had to use the bathroom. For that very reason I my food intake very low during my time at the gathering.

-Getting my car stuck in the mud sucked big time. Luckily some juggalos help push it out.

Despite all the bs I went through I would do again in a heart beat. Also heres a photo dump

And heres my video recap


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